Lecture of visiting Professor (Erasmus+)

In the context of his Erasmus+ visit to the EEE Department of UNIWA, Prof. Nur Husein Kaplan from Erzurum Technical Unviversity will give a lecture on "Digital Image Processing and Applications". His lecture will take place on Wednesday, July 3, at 16:45, in Room ZB207 (Antenna Lab) of Building Z.
As seats are limited, prospected attendants please reserve your seat by email at smitil at uniwa dot gr
In case of availability, a seat reservation confirmation will be sent to you.
Prof. Nur Husein Kaplan's short CV and presentation abstract follow hereinafter:
Prof. Dr. N.H. KAPLAN specializes in Remote Sensing, Digital Signal and Image Processing. He currently is a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Erzurum Technical University, since 2024. Prior to this role, he served as Associate Professor from 2018 to 2024 and Assistant Professor from 2015 to 2018 within the same department. From 2018 to 2023, he held the position of Head of Department. In 2023, he was appointed Vice Dean. He completed his Ph.D. in 2015, following an M.Sc. in Telecommunications Engineering in 2008 and a B.Sc. in Electronics and Communication Engineering in 2005, all from Istanbul Technical University.
Digital Image Processing and Applications
This lecture covers digital image processing, beginning with an overview of its definition. Then it explores various applications such as CT and MR image fusion, multifocus image fusion, pansharpening, remote sensing image enhancement, low-light image enhancement, image dehazing, despeckling of SAR images, and clutter reduction in GPR images
