Σχέδιο/Πρωτόκολλο Διαχείρισης Πιθανά Ύποπτου ή Επιβεβαιωμένου Κρούσματος COVID-19.
Υγειονομικοί υπεύθυνοι τμήματος: Αντώνιος Μορώνης, Δημήτριος Καλύβας

Σχέδιο/Πρωτόκολλο Διαχείρισης Πιθανά Ύποπτου ή Επιβεβαιωμένου Κρούσματος COVID-19.
Υγειονομικοί υπεύθυνοι τμήματος: Αντώνιος Μορώνης, Δημήτριος Καλύβας

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Abstract of doctoral thesis NIKOLAOS VOUDOURIS

This thesis aims to address Human Rights in the design and implementation of Artificial Intelligence, the legal and ethical dimensions, and their effects on technology development.This thesis aims to address Human Rights in the design and implementation of Artificial Intelligence, the legal and ethical dimensions, and their effects on technology development.The gap that exists today, on the lack of understanding in the methods to address the legal requirement in system development in relation to Human Rights (their ethical and technical issues), needs to be filled. The appropriate context to comprehend and comply with the emerging requirements (A.I. ACT) of legal texts, should be provided to address the gaps in the legal documents, (identify their potential effects of AI development and suggest solutions).It will analyze the technical landscape and assess the capacities of systems to conform to the dictations of Human Rights and Ethics and if not, how that might be achieved. It aspires to serve as a beginning to the academic discussion on allowing AI to serve Human Rights.This proposal puts forth a framework for ensuring that the AI regulations are within an ethical matrix, that can justify a method for legal requirements which take into account ΠΑ.Δ.Α. - ΑΡ.ΠΡΩΤ: 48102 - 16/05/2023 Αιγάλεωthe ethical and legal considerations, while not neglecting the technical capabilities and particularities of AI systems.A large amount of the literature on the subject is focused on specific issues revolving privacy, data ethics or provide solutions to envisioned problems, usually without taking into account the technical limitations or nature of AI.Some papers present AI as a static object that does not evolve or change. However, change for some AI systems is in their core functionality and that present the very real possibility to escape the definitions placed by the legal system that has only recently started to catch up.Some academics have called, the way AI is legislated, a “moral panic”. It attempts to ensure AI compliance at the expense of necessity or practicality.This thesis aspires to correct this and ensure that we have instead not only “moral certainty” but also “legal containment” and “technical rationalism”.

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