Σχέδιο/Πρωτόκολλο Διαχείρισης Πιθανά Ύποπτου ή Επιβεβαιωμένου Κρούσματος COVID-19.
Υγειονομικοί υπεύθυνοι τμήματος: Αντώνιος Μορώνης, Δημήτριος Καλύβας

Σχέδιο/Πρωτόκολλο Διαχείρισης Πιθανά Ύποπτου ή Επιβεβαιωμένου Κρούσματος COVID-19.
Υγειονομικοί υπεύθυνοι τμήματος: Αντώνιος Μορώνης, Δημήτριος Καλύβας

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National Conference Proceedings papers 2013

  1. S. Savaidis, N. Stathopoulos, A. Botsialas, G. Pagiatakis, M. Vasilopoulou, “External Quantum Efficiency Optimization of Hybrid Organic Photovoltaics using a Transmission Line method,” eRA8 Intl Conf, Piraeus, Greece, Sept. 2013.
  2. K. Zachariadou, K. Yiasemides, “Α Remotely Controlled Radiation Sensor for Teaching the Central Limit Theorem,” eRA-8 Intl Conf, Piraeus, Greece, 2013.
  3. I. Katsimardou, G.A. Vokas, F. Gazis, J.K. Kaldelis, “Performance evaluation of a building integrated photovoltaic thermal (BIPVT) air collector using different photovoltaic technologies”, eRA-8 Intl Conf, Piraeus, Greece, Sept. 2013.
  4. C. Lagogiannis, G.A. Vokas, “PV energy production over Greece: comparison between two simulation tools and real measurements”, eRA-8 Intl Conf, Piraeus, Greece, Sept. 2013.
  5. F. S. Gazis, G. Α. Vokas, I. J. Katsimardou, J. K. Kaldelis, “Micro inverters for PV plants compared to the ordinary string or central inverters”, eRA-8 Intl Conf, Piraeus, Greece, Sept. 2013.
  6. C. S. Psomopoulos, G.Ch. Ioannidis, S.D. Kaminaris, G.A. Vokas, S. Tsiolis, I. Villiotis, “Power quality measurements in the Hellenic Urban Rail Transport SA: Methodology & Results”, eRA-8 Intl Conf, Piraeus, Greece, Sept. 2013.
  7. S. Despotopoulos, E. Kyriakis-Bitzaros, I. Liaperdos, S. Mitilineos, D. Nicolaidis, S.M. Potirakis, M. Rangoussi, N.-A. Tatlas, “Wireless acoustic sensor network design stages for an environmental monitoring application”,” eRA-8 Intl Conf, (paper no. AB.2.8), Piraeus, Greece, Sept. 2013.
  8. V. Tsopanoglou, M. Rangoussi, “Automatic Control Systems undergraduate course: support teaching material development in the Moodle platform”, eRA-8 Intl Conf, (paper no. BB.3.8), Piraeus, Greece, Sept. 2013.
  9. L. Toumanidis, A. Charitopoulos, D. Metafas, M. Rangoussi, “E-advisor and E-evaluator Module developments for the Moodle E-learning platform based on ID3 classification algorithms”, eRA-8 Intl Conf (paper no. BB.3.9), Piraeus, Greece, Sept. 2013.
  10. E. Lignou, D. Metafas, M. Rangoussi, “Teaching Mathematics in high school: Content development in the Open Source E-Learning Platform Moodle”, eRA-8 Intl Conf (paper no. BB.3.1), Piraeus, Greece, Sept. 2013.
  11. A. Liapi, D. Metafas, M. Rangoussi, “A walk in Space: A case study for Early Age Education content developed in Moodle”, eRA-8 Intl Conf (paper no. BB.3.2), Piraeus, Greece, Sept. 2013.
  12. N. Gemistou, D.Metafas, M.Rangoussi, “An elementary school history course developed in Moodle: Alexander the Great and the development of Macedonian State”, eRA-8 Intl Conf (paper no. BB.3.3), Piraeus, Greece, Sept. 2013.
  13. N. Mpalatsouka, D. Metafas, M. Rangoussi, “Cultural and linguistic activities in High School education: development of an educational electronic course”, eRA-8 Intl Conf (paper no. BB.3.4)
  14. I. Komi, D. Metafas, M. Rangoussi, “Teaching a course on Computers in high school: Content development in the Open Source E-Learning Platform Moodle”, eRA-8 Intl Conf (paper no. BB.3.5), Piraeus, Greece, Sept. 2013.
  15. F. Peraki, D. Metafas, M. Rangoussi, “E-learning Platform support for a high school project on Shakespeare's Language”, eRA-8 Intl Conf (paper no. BB.3.6), Piraeus, Greece, Sept. 2013.
  16. M. Grigoraki, D. Metafas, M. Rangoussi, “Developing Content for elementary school students in the Open E-Learning Platform Moodle: A project on mythology”, eRA-8 Intl Conf (paper no. BB.3.7), Piraeus, Greece, Sept. 2013.
  17. A. Politi, D. Metafas, M. Rangoussi, “Halloween: enhancing intercultural understanding using the Open E-Learning Platform Moodle”, eRA-8 Intl Conf (paper no. BB.3.13), Piraeus, Greece, Sept. 2013.

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