Σχέδιο/Πρωτόκολλο Διαχείρισης Πιθανά Ύποπτου ή Επιβεβαιωμένου Κρούσματος COVID-19.
Υγειονομικοί υπεύθυνοι τμήματος: Αντώνιος Μορώνης, Δημήτριος Καλύβας

Σχέδιο/Πρωτόκολλο Διαχείρισης Πιθανά Ύποπτου ή Επιβεβαιωμένου Κρούσματος COVID-19.
Υγειονομικοί υπεύθυνοι τμήματος: Αντώνιος Μορώνης, Δημήτριος Καλύβας

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Head of the Department: Prof. Antonios Moronis
Deputy Head: Prof. Maria Rangoussi
The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering is internally organized into seven (7) Divisions, for administrative purposes:
        1.  Electric Power Systems
         Director: Prof. Sofia Kalogeropoulou
         Director: Prof. Georgios Vokas
         Director: Prof. Ilias Stavrakas
         Director: Prof. Ioannis Famelis
         Director: Assoc. Prof. Nicolas – Alexander Tatlas
         Director: Assoc. Prof. Sotirios Karabetsos
         Director: Prof. Charalampos Patrikakis



The mission of the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering is

  • to offer academic engineering studies in the discipline of Electrical and Electronics through undergraduate and graduate curricula and a PhD program;
  • to generate novel knowledge and to advance science and technology in the relevant fields, both independently and within national and international/European research collaborations;
  • to contribute to the development of regional and national production, economy and society through initiatives and outreach activities towards public and private institutions.

Academic staffing – Sustainability of the program

The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering is the biggest one among the Departments in the Faculty of Engineering and in the University of West Attica. It is also the best staffed Department in the University of West Attica and one of the better staffed Departments/Schools of Engineering in the whole country.

Today, the Department boasts a body of sixty two (62) professors of all grades who cover the lecture needs of all taught courses in the curriculum. They are aided by eleven (11) members of teaching staff (EDIP), nine (9) members of technical staff (ETEP) and a varying number of qualified adjunct personnel hired yearly to offer mainly laboratory assistance. Curriculum instruction needs, both in lectures and laboratories, are thus fully covered – a condition that guarantees the sustainability of the Department and safeguards the value of the diploma held by our graduates.

Engineering Studies – 5-year Curriculum – Integrated Master’s Degree

The curriculum offered by the Department corresponds to a well-established, recognized and broad engineering discipline, that of Electrical and Electronics – a field where research and innovation keep producing novel and impressive results that directly affect production, economy and our daily life. Thanks to the high academic standards of the faculty and staff members, the Department maintains a state-of-the-art level in this discipline. The undergraduate curriculum offered today covers 5 years (10 academic semesters) in full-time study mode and gives to the graduate the knowledge, skills and competence necessary to meet current job or graduate study requirements as well as future challenges. In 2020, the diploma given to our graduates has been recognized as an Integrated Master’s Degree according to greek national legislation. Follow this link to visit the curriculum webpage.

Graduate Studies – MSc programs

The Department organizes and offers five (5) independent Master of Science Study Programs with a current enrollment of around one hundred (100) graduate students. The MSc programs are offered either free of charge or on reasonable tuition and fees, while many students are supported by grants. Follow the link of each MSc Program to find out all relevant information:

Since 2005, the Department is part of an institutional collaboration led by the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens that offers the joint program

Since 2020, this Department along with the Department of Industrial Design and Production of UNIWA jointly offer the graduate program


Graduate Studies – PhD Program

The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering is leading the organization and offer of 3rd cycle studies for a PhD within the University of West Attica. Eighty (80) PhD students are currently enrolled and carry out research towards their PhD, under the supervision of the Department faculty. Our PhD studies program is the breeding ground expected to yield a new generation of scientists and researchers; as such, they are encourage to get actively involved in all education and research activities of the Department. Intake is twice per academic year (September and February), through open calls and evaluation. Follow this link for more details on our PhD Studies Regulation.

Research and Innovation

The Department is intensively active in research and innovation and is strongly involved in collaborations at the national (NCSR “Demokritos”, Hellenic Emerging Technologies Industry Association (HETiA), Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (CRES), Hellas Public Power Corporation, etc.) and at the international level (Horizon-2020, CERN, Columbia University, Carnegie-Mellon University, etc.) This is the first Greek University Department to be accepted as an Associated Technical Institute by the international ATLAS Collaboration at CERN. Today research and development activities are hosted in the eleven (11) departmental Research Laboratories; our undergraduate and graduate students are encouraged to early participate in all relevant activities.

European/International Perspective

The Department makes a special effort to warrantee the European/international scientific and/or professional perspective of the graduates, through the adoption of the ECTS, the participation in ERASMUS+ exchanges, the participation in academic and research exchanges through bilateral agreements with countries that excel in engineering studies (Germany – DAAD, Japan, Korea, etc.). The Department encourages students, faculty and staff to take active part in ERASMUS+ exchanges, with excellent results: this is the top Department in the University of West Attica as to the number of completed exchanges, under both learning and training agreements.


Head of the Department: Prof. Antonios Moronis (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Deputy Head: Prof. Maria Rangoussi (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Secretary of the Department: Mrs. Kalliopi Triantafyllou (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)



Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

University of West Attica – Ancient Olive Grove Campus (Building Z, Room ZB-213)

250, Thivon ave., Athens-Egaleo, GR-12241, GREECE

Tel: +30 210 538-1225 / Fax: +30 210 538-1226

Electronic Address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Website: http://eee.uniwa.gr

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