Office: ΖΒ101, Building Ζ, Campus 2 Phone: +30 210-5381534 Lab: ΖΒ215, Building Ζ, Campus 2 Lab Phone: +30 210-5381112 Fax: E-mail: bpatr@uniwa.gr |
Research Interests
Representative Publications
1. P. Kasnesis, C. Patrikakis, I. S. Venieris, "Changing the Game of Mobile Data Analysis with Deep Learning", in IEEE IT Professional, Volume: PP, Issue: 99, pp. 1 – 1, 16 June 2017
2. Andreas Kapsalis, Panagiotis Kasnesis, Iakovos S Venieris, Dimitra I Kaklamani, Charalampos Z Patrikakis, "A Cooperative Fog Approach for Effective Workload Balancing", in IEEE Cloud Computing, Volume: 4, Issue: 2, pp. 36 – 45, 26 April 2017
3. Dimitrios G. Kogias, Michael G. Xevgenis, and Charalampos Z. Patrikakis, “Cloud Federation and the Evolution of Cloud Computing”, in IEEE Computer, Volume: 49, Issue: 11, pp. 96 – 99, Nov. 2016
4. Kasnesis P., Patrikakis, C., Kogias D., Toumanidis L., Venieris I. S., "Cognitive friendship and goal management for the social IoT", Computers & Electrical Engineering Journal, Vol. 58, pp. 412-428, Febr. 2017
5. Despina T. Meridou, Andreas P. Kapsalis, Maria-Eleftheria Ch. Papadopoulou, Emmanouil G. Karamanis, Charalampos Z. Patrikakis, Iakovos S. Venieris and Dimitra-Theodora I. Kaklamani, “An Ontology-Based Smart Production Management System” IEEE IT Pro Magazine, November/December 2015, IEEE
6. Anadiotis, Angelos-Christos G., Patrikakis, Charalampos Z., Murat Tekalp, A., “Information-centric networking for multimedia, social and peer-to-peer communications”, Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2014
7. Meridou, D.T., Papadopoulou, M.-E.C., Kapsalis, A.P., Kasnesis, P., Delikaris, A.I., Patrikakis, C.Z., Venieris, I.S., Kaklamani, D.I.” Improving quality of life with the internet of everything”. Beyond the Internet of Things: Everything Interconnected. J. M. Batalia, G. Mastorakis, C. X. Mavromoustakis and E. Pallis eds. Springer. 2017
8. Patrikakis, Charalampos Z., and José Barbosa,. "The Industrial Internet: Driving Digital Transformation" Cutter Consortium Management, Innovation, Transformation, Vol. 30, No. 7, July 2017
9. Patrikakis, Charalampos Z., and Loukas, George . "Wear It and Share It: Wearables and Security." Cutter Consortium Data Analysis & Digital Technologies, Vol. 17, No. 3, Feb 8 2017
10. Loukas, G., Patrikakis, C., "Cyber and physical threats to the internet of everything", Cutter IT Journal , 29 ( 7 ), July 2016
11. A. Chatzimichail, Ch. Chatzigeorgiou, F. Andritsopoulos, Ch. Karaberi, G. Meditskos, P. Kasnesis, D. Kogias, G. Gorgogetas, A. Tsanousa, S. Vrochidis, Ch. Patrikakis and I. Kompatsiaris, "Smart Interconnected Infrastructure for Security and Safety in Public Places," presented at the International Workshop on IoT Applications and Industry 4.0, Santorini Island, Greece, May 29-31, 2019
12. Panagiotis Kasnesis, Christos Chatzigeorgiou, Lazaros Toumanidis, Charalampos Z. Patrikakis, “Gesture-based incident reporting through smart watches”, in WristSense’19 (IEEE PerCom workshop), Kyoto - Japan, March 2019
Undergraduate Courses
Postgraduate Courses
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Charalampos Z. Patrikakis is an Associate Professor at the Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering of the University of West Attica. He has participated in more than 35 National, European and International programs, in 20 of which he has been involved as technical coordinator or principal researcher. He has more than 100 publications in chapters of books, international journals and conferences, and has 2 contributions in national legislation. He is a member of the editorial committee of more than 50 international journals and conferences, and has acted as editor in the publication of special issues of international journals, conference proceedings volumes and coedited three books. He is a senior member of IEEE, a member of the Technical Chamber of Greece, and counselor of the IEEE Student Branch of the University of West Attica.