Office: Room. B108, Building Β, Αncient Οlive-grove Campus Office. Tel: 210 538 1182 Lab: High Voltage and Energy Systems Research Lab (Director) Tel Lab: 210 538 1541 Fax: 210 538 1321 E-mail: cpsomop@uniwa.gr, cpsomop@gmail.com WebPage: http://hvlab.eee.uniwa.gr/templates/hvlab/psomopoulos.phpScopus: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=55900694600 Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.gr/citations?hl=el&user=mxgy_TwAAAAJ&view_op=list_works Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Constantinos-Psomopoulos Publons: https://publons.com/researcher/577699/constantinos-s-psomopoulos/ |
2002 - PhD, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering N.T.U.A.
1997 - Diploma in Engineering. School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering N.T.U.A.
Research Interests
- Metrology and Measuring Systems for High Voltage, RES and Energy Storage Installations
- Vulnerability and Operational Condition of Electric Grids Assets
- Protection of Critical Energy Infrastructures against Manmade and Physical Threats and Disasters
- EcoDesign of Energy Related Products and Systems
- Life Cycle Analysis and Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Equipment and Systems
- Materials and Energy Recovery from Wastes and Systems Design
- Sustainable Resources Management – Industrial Symbiosis – Circular Economy
- Renewables and Energy Storage integration in Grids
- Climate Change Mitigation – Environmental and Energy Policies Development
- Energy Efficiency in Industrial Processes and in buildings Sector
Representative Publications
- C.S. Psomopoulos, D. Barkas, G.C. Ioannidis, “The Recycling Potential of Submersible Sewage Pumps in the EU”. Recycling 2018, 3, 14; https://doi.org/10.3390/recycling3020014
- C.S. Psomopoulos, D.A. Barkas, S.D. Kaminaris, G.C. Ioannidis, P. Karagiannopoulos “Recycling potential for low voltage and high voltage high rupturing capacity fuse links”. Waste Management (2017), 70, pages 204-211 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2017.09.018
- C. Charalampopoulos, C.S. Psomopoulos, G.Ch. Ioannidis, S.D. Kaminaris, “Implementing the EcoDesign Directive in distribution transformers: First impacts review”, AIMS Energy, 2017, 5(1): 113-124. DOI: 10.3934/energy.2017.1.113
- E. Kyriakis, C.S. Psomopoulos, P. Kokkotis, A. Bourtsalas, N.J. Themelis, “A step by step selection method for the location and the size of a waste-to-energy facility targeting the maximum output energy and minimization of gate fee”, Environ Sci Pollut Res, 2017 Jun 23, DOI: 10.1007/s11356-017-9488-1
- P.I Kokkotis, C.S Psomopoulos, G.Ch Ioannidis, S.D. Kaminaris, “Small Scale Energy Storage Systems. A short Review in their Potential Environmental Impact”, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 26 : No. 9/2017 pages 5658-5665
- P. Papadatos, C.S Psomopoulos, G.C Ioannidis, “Industrial Furnaces/Burners. A Review on the Environmental Legislation focusing on Ecodesign”, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 26 : No. 9/2017 pages 5666-5673
- P. Chaliki, C.S. Psomopoulos, N.J. Themelis: WTE plants installed in European Cities. A review of success stories, Management of Environmental Quality, Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, 2016, 27(5) pp. 606 - 620
- N. Chatziaras, C.S. Psomopoulos, N.J. Themelis: Use of waste derived fuels in cement industry. A review, Management of Environmental Quality : An International Journal, 2016, 27 (2), 178-193
- C.S. Psomopoulos, G.Ch. Ioannidis, S.D. Kaminaris, K.D. Mardikis, N.G. Katsikas : A Comparative Evaluation of Photovoltaic Electricity Production Assessment Software (PVGIS, PVWatts and RETScreen), Environ. Process. (2015) 2(Suppl 1): 175-189, https://doi.org/10.1007/s40710-015-0092-4
- C.S. Psomopoulos, N.J. Themelis: The combustion of as-received and pre-processed (RDF/SRF) municipal solid wastes as fuel for the power sector, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 2015, 37(16):1813-1820 DOI:10.1080/15567036.2011.639845
- C.S. Psomopoulos, I. Venetis, N.J. Themelis, The impact from the implementation of Waste to Energy to the economy. A macroeconomic approach for the trade balance of Greece, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 11/2014; 23(11):2735-2741.
- C.S. Psomopoulos, G.C. Ioannidis, Y. Karras. Role of low-voltage/NH fuselinks rated voltage in distribution network losses. An evaluation based on the Hellenic low-voltage distribution network. IET Generation Transmission & Distribution, 2014, 8 (5), pp. 803–810, DOI:10.1049/iet-gtd.2013.0520
- C.S. Psomopoulos, C. Stavroulakis, V. Stavropoulos, N.J. Themelis, Greenhouse gases emission reduction potential in Greece by implementing WTE facilities in strategically selected urban areas, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 22 (7a), 2013, 2042 – 2047
- C.S. Psomopoulos, A.D. Papadiotis, N.J. Themelis, Evaluating the potential for energy recovery from wastes on Greek islands, Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 22 (7b), 2013, 2111 - 2116
- C.S. Psomopoulos, I. Skoula, C. Karras, A. Chatzimpiros, M. Chionidis: Electricity savings and CO2 emissions reduction in buildings sector: How important the network losses are in the calculation?, Energy, Vol. 35 (1), 2010, 485-490
- C.S. Psomopoulos, A. Bourka, N.J. Themelis: Waste-to-energy: A review of the status and benefits in USA, Waste Management, Vol 29, 2009, 1718-1724
- C.G. Aronis, C.S. Psomopoulos, C.G. Karagiannopoulos, P.D. Bourkas: A Model Regarding Electrical Contacts in Advance Degradation, International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, Vol. 26 (2), 2006, 169-173.
- C.S. Psomopoulos, C.G. Karagiannopoulos: Temperature distribution of fuse elements during pre-arcing period, Electric Power Systems Research, Vol. 61, 2002, 161-167.
- P.L. Mourgos, C.G. Karagiannopoulos, C.S. Psomopoulos, P.D. Bourkas, N.I. Theodorou: An evaluation method for the prediction of the maximum remaining life of measuring transformers in 150kV power systems, International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, Vol. 22 (1), 2001, 17-22
- C.S. Psomopoulos, C.G. Karagiannopoulos: Measurements of fusible elements during current interruption and interpretation of related phenomena, Measurement, Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, Vol. 32, 2002, 15-22.
Conferences :
- E.D. Chatzistamou, C.S. Psomopoulos, G.Ch. Ioannidis, S.D. Kaminaris, End of life treatment of photovoltaic panels. Expected volumes up to 2045 in E.U., International Scientific Conference eRA-11, 21-23 September 2016, Piraeus, Greece, pp.1-8.
- G. Ch. Ioannidis, P. Pachos, S.D. Kaminaris, C.S. Psomopoulos, S. Tsiolis: Comparative Evaluation of Si and Sic One-Quadrant DC Motor Drives. MedPower 2016, Belgrade, Serbia; 11/2016
- N.M Manousakis, C.S. Psomopoulos, G.Ch. Ioannidis, S.D. Kaminaris: Optimal Placement of Wind Turbines Using Semidefinite Programming. MedPower 2016, Belgrade, Serbia; 11/2016
- M. K Kardamakis, C.S. Psomopoulos, G.Ch. Ioannidis, S.D. Kaminaris, P. Karaisas: Simulation and Experimental Results of Harmonic Distortion in one Δ-ΥΔ Traction Transformer Operating In Hellenic Subways. MedPower 2016, Belgrade, Serbia; 11/2016
- C.S Psomopoulos, N.M Manousakis, Critical energy infrastructure protection in EU legislation with a focus on natural hazards in electricity networks, International Conference on Natural Hazards and Disaster Management, June 01-03, 2017 Osaka, Japan, Volume: 1 doi: 10.4172/2327-4581-C1-002
- C. S. Psomopoulos, S.D. Kaminaris, G.Ch. Ioannidis, N.J. Themelis. Contribution of WtE Plants in Eu’s Targets for Renewables. A Review Until 2014. 5th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management, Athens, 21–24 June 2017, pp 1-8
- C.S. Psomopoulos, N.J. Themelis, I.A. Venetis, Potential contribution of Waste-to-Energy as part of the effort for the economic recovery of Greece, Proceedings of the 18th European Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production Conference (ERSCP 2017), Skiathos, Greece, 1-8
- D.A. Barkas, C.S. Psomopoulos, G.C. Ioannidis, S.D. Kaminaris, P. Malatestas: Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Harmonic Distortion in High Voltage 3–Phase Transformers. 9th Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition on Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution, IET (MedPower 2014), Athens Greece, 2-5 November 2014, Paper No151, pp 1-8.
- C.S. Psomopoulos, G.Ch. Ioannidis, S.D. Kaminaris, P. Karaisas: Experimental evaluation of the magnetic pressure in thin wire elements during fusion process, 10th International Conference on Electric Fuses and their Applications, 14th to 16th September 2015, Dresden, pp 1-7.
- C.S. Psomopoulos, G.Ch. Ioannidis, S.D. Kaminaris, P. Karaisas: Resistivity variation during fusion process of thin wire elements, 10th International Conference on Electric Fuses and their Applications, 14th to 16th September 2015, Dresden, pp 1-7.
- C.S Psomopoulos , N.M Manousakis, Critical energy infrastructure protection in EU legislation with a focus on natural hazards in electricity networks, 1st International Conference on Natural Hazards and Disaster Management, June 01-03, 2017 Osaka, Japan.
Undergraduate Courses
- Energy and Environment (4th Semester)
- Electrical Measurements (6th Semester)
- High Voltage Engineering (7th Semester)
- Renewable Energy Sources I (7th Semester)
- Renewable Energy Sources II (8th Semester)
- Lightning and Surge Protection (9th Semester)
Postgraduate Courses
MSc “Management and Optimization of Energy systems”
- Energy Efficiency Optimization in the Industrial Sector and Procedures
- Ecodesign of Energy Related Systems