Charitopoulos Angelos
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Charitopoulos Angelos



 Office:  ZB214, Building Z, Αncient Οlive-grove Campus

 Office Tel:

 Lab: ZB111, Building Z, Αncient Οlive-grove Campus

 Lab phone: 210 538 1240

 E-mail: acharito@uniwa.gr


2006 - Master of Science Degree in Networking and Data Communications, Kingston University, U.K

2002 - Bachelor’s Degree in Electronics Engineering, Piraeus University of Applied Sciences (former Technological Education Institute of Piraeus), Greece


Research Interests


Representative Publications

  • A.Charitopoulos, M. Rangoussi, D. Koulouriotis, “E-Learning Platform Access and Usage Statistics through Data Mining: An experimental study in moodle,” Proc. 9th Intl. Conf. of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI 2016), Seville, Spain, Nov. 2016 [https://library.iated.org/authors/Angelos_Charitopoulos]
  • G.-A. Sykamiotis, Α. Charitopoulos, M. Rangoussi, D. Koulouriotis, “Extraction and presentation of access and usage data from an e-learning platform (moodle), Design and development of a software application”, Proc. IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON 2017), 25-28 April 2017, Athens, Greece. [http://www.educon-conference.org/educon2017]
  • Α. Charitopoulos, M. Rangoussi, D. Koulouriotis, “Educational data mining and data analysis for optimal learning content management Applied in moodle for undergraduate engineering studies”, Proc. IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON 2017), 25-28 April 2017, Athens, Greece. [http://www.educon-conference.org/educon2017]
  • Α. Charitopoulos, S. Vassiliadis, M. Rangoussi, D. Koulouriotis, “E-learning and blended learning in textile engineering education: a closed feedback loop approach”, Proc. 17th World Textile Conference (AUTEX 2017), 29-31 May 2017, Corfu, Greece. [http://www.autex2017.org]
  • Α. Charitopoulos, S. Vassiliadis, M. Rangoussi, D. Koulouriotis, “Vocational and Higher Education in Textile Engineering using the moodle e-learning platform”, Proc. XIVth Intl. Izmir Textile and Apparel Symposium, 25-28 Oct. 2017, Izmir, Turkey.
  • E.Misailidis, Α. Charitopouloss, and M. Rangoussi, “Visualization of educational data mined from the moodle e-learning platform,” 22nd Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI 2018), Athens, Greece, 29 Nov -1 Dec 2018.
  • M.Feidakis, M. Rangoussi, P. Kasnesis, Ch. Patrikakis, D. G. Kogias, and Α. Charitopoulos, “Affective Assessment in Distance Learning: A Semi-explicit Approach,” The International Journal of Technologies in Learning, Common Grounds Ed., ISSN: 2327-0144, vol. 26 (1), 2019 (to appear).
  • Α. Charitopoulos, M. Rangoussi, D. Koulouriotis, “On the Use of Soft Computing Methods in Educational Data Mining and Learning Analytics Research: a Review of Years 2010–2018,” International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 30(3), pp. 371-430, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40593-020-00200-8
  • Α. Charitopoulos, M. Rangoussi, D. Koulouriotis, “Blending e-learning with hands-on laboratory instruction in engineering education: an experimental study on early pre-diction of student performance and behavior,” International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), vol. 17, no. 20, pp. 213-230, 2022. https://doi.org/10.3991/ijet.v17i20.33141
  • K.Yiasemides, K. Zachariadou, N. Moschonas, M. Rangoussi and A. Charitopoulos, “Development and Assessment of a Web-based Platform for an Active Learning Physics Lab Session on the linear regression technique,” 13th IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON 2022), 28–31 March, 2022, Tunis, Tunisia.
  • A. Charitopoulos, M. Rangoussi, D. Metafas, D. Koulouriotis, “Text mining technologies applied to free-text answers of students in e-assessment,” Discover Computing 28 (1), 1-33, 2025. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10791-024-094969


Undergraduate Courses


Postgraduate Courses

 Data Networks and Tele-Education Services, Intra-University Postgraduate Program "Information and Communication Technologies for Education"


Curriculum Vitae


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